Health Services
Good health is an essential part of effective schools and is basic to the process of learning. At Ridgefield, we work in partnership with families to address the wide range of children’s needs, including their need for physical, social, mental, and emotional health. Healthy schools enhance children’s learning while increasing their potential to live healthy and productive lives as adults. All Ridgefield Public Schools have policies and procedures that are congruent with the Connecticut State Department of Education, and a special focus is placed on the importance of creating an environment that consistently supports children’s health and well being.
A healthy child is a happy child, and that starts with the proper nutrition to get through the day. We provide wholesome meals for students that meet the nutritional guidelines set forth by the USDA and other federal programs and offer educational programs that inform children about balance, variety, and healthy portions of food. Please view the Connecticut child nutrition resources from the State Department of Education.
Physical activity is another essential part of a healthy body and mind. Our schools provide a wide range of opportunities for students to be physically active. When students exercise, they are able to maintain alert minds, build strength and endurance, develop responsibility, and demonstrate self-discipline and emotional control.
Medical Services
Nurses are available for students at all times during school hours. The nurses at each school are an integral component of the children’s health and safety. With the nurses’ dedicated support, children are able to remain healthy, active, and engaged learners.
Mental Health Services
Guidance counselors and social workers are available when necessary to support children’s social and emotional growth and development.